Saturday, September 21, 2013

Keith Gilabert, "Market Your Business for Free on Facebook"

I get a lot of requests on how to capitalize on social media trends.  The most powerful tool available to a business regardless of its size is  There is no other medium that exists right now that captures the attention of its users like Facebook.  According to Facebook data, people spend more than 700 billion minutes per month on their platform.  The only other platform that captures more time is television but it lacks the ability for the user to control the content.  The interface that Facebook creates for the user is custom and much more appealing than tradition television because the content is made up of user experiences.

Social media, especially Facebook has replaced many forms of marketing.  The best endorsement of a product or service is from friends and family.  And if you want to connect with these customers its important to have them increase time with your brand.  Therefore, it's essential that your company configure a Facebook page and develop a corresponding plan.

3-Steps to Setting Up Your Facebook Page.

1.  Design Your Facebook Page

As with any marketing plan it is vital for you to define your goals, and develop a step by step approach on how you are going to obtain these goals. 

2.  Make the Page Easy to Navigate

When you start a Facebook page for your business, your page will have a standard set of tabs.  You can create custom tabs in order to guide the customer to your target product or promotion.  For example, you can set up a "Welcome" tab and within that category you can have promotions such as coupons and also other links.

3.  Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights is an analytical tool that tracks usage and interactions with your Facebook Page.  Its available free and it is very useful to determine which campaign is most effective.  Once you see the data you can adjust the Page to optimize user interactions.

Marketing Your Business for Free on  Facebook

1.  Give People a Reason to Become "Fans"

Get your visitors to "like" your page by offering something of value, such as a coupon or a freebie to a new item you are promoting. The more "likes" you get the higher your page will rank.  Also when one of your customers becomes a fan of your page, your brand page's profile photo will be displayed on their Facebook wall.  This strategy not only creates brand value but also gives your customer something of value.

2.  Get Your Customers to "Check-in"

When you get the customer to "Check-in" it shows up on their timeline and everyone of their friends will see it.  This is a great opportunity to get the word out on how amazing your product or service is.  I saw a company MilkShade Mania of Valencia, CA ( do this and they have had great success because not only do they have a great product but they also stay in the minds of their customer's friends and family every time someone checks-in.  Milkshake Mania offers anyone that "Checks-in" a discount on the most amazing milkshakes.  Not only do I go and check-in but in return I get to enjoy a great product with a 10% discount.

**Note  the average Facebook user has 190 Friends.  That is 190 people that will have contact with your company**  

3.  Include Pictures in your Facebook updates

Facebook is a picture economy, so just about every update should have a picture included.  Whether it's your staff, customers or products include pictures.

4.  Celebrate Milestones with your customers

Whenever you have something that is special with your business, post it.  It could be the 1 year anniversary of your business or simply an employee birthday.  Post it and share it.

5.  Post the Specials on Friday 

Facebook has a Happiness Index that shows a 10% spike on Fridays.  As a business you use this a marketing strategy.  Once a month, on a Friday of course, give your fans something special.  Offer a buy one get one free or 20% off your bill.  This will build your brand and build customer loyalty.

About Keith

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